My Thoughts

Thursday, February 02, 2006 - Sony puts robot dog to sleep - Feb 2, 2006 - Sony puts robot dog to sleep - Feb 2, 2006: "Takeshi Ohashi, a Kyushu Institute of Technology professor, considers Aibo a gem of technological finesse. He plans to appeal to Sony to bring the robots back.
Ohashi has his motives. He is an organizer of RoboCup, an annual international competition in which teams use Aibos and other robots to play soccer.
Masato Maruyama, an engineer, believes Sony isn't just hurting Aibo owners, who feel as if they're being told their pets have just seven more years to live.
'I feel the decision to withdraw from a product that's so representative of Sony heralds an end for Sony as a global leader,' he said.
Richard Walkus, a Madison, New Jersey, man who has a Web site devoted to Aibo, concurs.
'They lost something,' he said of Sony. 'They lost stature.'"